PreveLogo wo-Tagline

An interactive, online and lab testing program of Select Lab Partners. A revolutionary health monitoring program that includes health awareness testing, monitoring and online tools.

Web Design & Graphics

Prevé Wellness was interested in creating a fully functional and responsive online member portal, educational hub, marketing and e-commerce site. With custom graphics, icons and branded elements the Prevé Wellness site achieves a signature approach to selling online subscriptions and individual products. The interactive member portal allows for secure login, and access to personalized reports, educational information and wellness apps customized for Prevé Wellness subscribers.

* has since updated their direction and design, and although managed by Coyne & Wessling Design, LLC the current design features do not reflect the work done Patrice Wessling Creative.

Web Graphics

Customized stock photography, icons and graphics used to identify customer products and create a cohesive branded look.

Marketing Materials

Print and digital marketing brochures, mailers and one-sheet handouts for customers, potential physician partners and trade show attendants. These materials are used to easily and concisely present necessary instructions and ease of use information to be used in conjunction with the Prevé Wellness website.